Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Cold Is My Least Favorite Thing About Winter

Uggg, more snow last night.  And it is frigid and icy out today.  I had to use the treadmill to get my run in which meant I had to dust and vacuum my attic lest I get an allergy attack from the dust.

I am down 2.2lbs this week making my grand total 25lbs since August.   Yesterday I put on a pair of jeans and they were loose - these used to be my tight party jeans - I would wear them out because they were a bit tight and they would remind me not to over eat.  Luckily I am a jean hoarder so I just have to go into my stash of smaller jeans to find a new pair of "party jeans."  So even though daycare is sucking every last penny out of us I can still "shop" in the closet in my spare room for clothes that fit.  I will take what I can get.

Still waiting on my cousin to send me my first 3 minute crush routine.  Next week will be my last week of student teaching so I am going to have to figure out how to fit my runs/exercise in...I guess I will just have to use the treadmill while Simon naps or else wait until Dan gets home to run outside.  Once the days get longer this should not be a problem.  What is important is that I do not use this change in schedule as an excuse to not exercise.  I have come to far to let this happen...also I am a bit addicted to it now I have to say which I guess is good.

OK, I have to finish up my lesson plans for this last batch before I am on "vacation."  Until I find a new job that is.

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