Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Don't talk back to Darth Vader

As you know, I work with 3 year olds. One of the highlights of working with kids this age is that they say the awesomest things. Sometimes they say things like "Mrs. Yeager is there a baby in your belly?" and then proceed to poke at my non-pregnant flabby belly. Then they are not so much awesome as they are annoyingly observant.

This is not one of my kids but I can very easily see one of them describing the best movie of all time.

I cannot wait for Princess Sofia to talk.

Thanks to Chrissy for the link!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Miss Hannah

I have been asked my my Sister-in-Law Michelle and Brother-in-Law Eric to be Godmother to their beautiful baby girl Hannah Caroline Yeager.

Isn't she the cutest! I am so excited.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Get on board people!

This so so awesome...regardless of your political will get a chuckle out of this! I promise!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Bunny

I appologize for not posting often these days...I have been busy with school and work and being a new one ever tells you how hard it is!!!

It snowed here today and of course Princess Sofia loves to be out in the are some pics of our beautiful princess in her super cute snowsuit!!! Fierce!

Stay warm everyone!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

At least they know

This is worth it for the "Peanuts dance breakdown" alone.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cute babies

that aren't Sofia! You may not know this but I actually have other nieces and nephews in my life. My husband is one of 16 children and at last count there are at 20+ nieces and newphews on the Yeager side of the family ranging from 15 years to 1 week old.

So in an effort to make this blog more even to both sides of my Ava and Greyson. Aren't they cute?

They are so sweet. Greyson will be dedicated at the end of the month so we get to see him and his sister along with the rest of the family.

I must also welcome the newest member of the Yeager Clan, Damien Alexander, born on Tues Jan 29 at 8lbs 10 oz.

Welcome Damien! Your uncle and I cannot wait to meet you!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Walk for Jen

For those of you who have been reading my blog since the beginning, you will remember my post about my friend Jen, who at 30 was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer.

I am happy to report that Jen is doing well considering the amount of surgery and chemo that she has had since her diagnosis. One of the feelings I had when Jen told me about the cancer was a sense of uselessness that I could not help her or her family.

Jen sent me the following e-mail today:

"Dear Friends and Family,

On Sunday March 30th, I will be participating in the Fourth Annual Scope It Out 5KTM Run/Walk for Colon Cancer Awareness, a not-for-profit fundraising/awareness race, being held at 8:00 a.m. in West Potomac Park, Washington, D.C., during National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The cost is $25 and you receive a t-shirt for your support. To date, Scope It Out 5KTM has raised over $185,000 to further colorectal cancer research and awareness.

I invite you to join me in the walk to raise awareness that this cancer is not just an old person’s disease. Proceeds from the walk go to the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown, Prevent Cancer Foundation and the Colon Cancer Alliance. The Lombardi Center is where I receive top-notch treatment from my extraordinary team of doctors and nurses. Walking is my way of thanking Lombardi for all the hope, care and understanding they give to me on a daily basis.

Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of U.S. cancer deaths for men and women combined. Colorectal cancer affects people of all ethnic backgrounds. Every year, nearly 150,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the disease, and nearly 60,000 die. More than 13,000 colorectal cancer cases are diagnosed each year in people under the age of 50. By the time symptoms occur (intestinal pain, blood in the stool), colorectal cancer has often metastasized to another organ.

My journey with colorectal cancer began on June 10, 2007. Before that day I was a healthy 30 year old with a 21 month old son and a bright future. My cancer metastasized to my liver and lymph nodes. Because of my age, my serious condition and otherwise healthy body, my doctors aggressively began my treatment. On June 25th the prime tumor was removed and I was given a colostomy (a surgical operation that creates an artificial anus through an opening made in the abdomen from the colon). Three weeks later 85 % of my liver was resected, gallbladder removed and my portal vein and bile duct rerouted. I recovered from both surgeries remarkably well.

Six weeks after liver surgery, I began chemotherapy to eradicate leftover cancer cells and to shrink a pelvic mass that grew between surgery and the onset of chemo. Chemotherapy was successful in stabilizing the tumor, but because of the nature of the mass surgery was the only option. So on December 12th, I underwent a radical hysterectomy and removal of two football size tumors encasing my ovaries. Again I recovered quickly. Even though my scans are clear for now, I am undergoing six more months of chemo. I am hopeful that with the help of my doctors and God that I will beat this disease.

Someone said that cancer patients are the lucky ones and I believe it. Cancer has opened up my world and introduced me to amazing human beings. I am grateful everyday for the small blessings- my son’s laughter, my husband’s smile or a letter from a stranger saying that they heard my story and were compelled to write to me to let me know that I’m in their prayers. God’s challenge has given me the chance to meet angels on earth and kindred spirits. I know my cancer experience has a greater meaning and I intend to use it to help others struggling with this disease.

Please join me as I begin my new journey as survivor and advocate. For more information and to sign up for the walk go to Please let me know if you intend on walking so that I can keep you abreast of a team meeting place etc.

Thanks for being a part of Team Jen!"

I will be joining Jen on that day as we walk for awareness and a cure for this horrible disease.

You can help by making a donation on my fundraising page

or if you are in the area feel free to join us. It will be a fun day for all!

Thanks in advance for any help you can give us!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Friday Evening Book MeMe

Ok, so it is Saturday morning but my sister-in-law Lisa tagged me for a Friday Evening Book MeMe.

The rules are: take the book closest to you right now, turn to page 123 find the fifth sentence and then write the next 3 full sentences in your post. Here is what I have:

"We swoon for guys like this who know how to tease and seduce - but is this love? No one has a bad hair day or a blemish in True Love. Everyone is laughing and beautiful like the speaker in Maturai Eruttalan Centamputan's 'What She Said.'"

This is taken from "To Hell With Love: Poems to Mend a Broken Heart" by Mary D. Esselman & Elizabeth Ash Velez. It is sitting on my bookshelf in my living room since my friend Chrissy brought it back to me last weekend. I had loaned it to her roommate a few years back when her boyfriend broke up with her for no reason. It is a great book which follows the stages of grief and talks you through how you are feeling when a relationship ends.

I forgot I even had it until Chrissy brought it back to me. The book was a gift from my friend Melissa who worked with Mary Esselman's husband. She and I have been through many a troubled time involving men and heartache. She thought it might come in handy in the future. I on the other hand have given the book to many friends to help them through in their time of need. The poems are beautiful and the message powerful. The authors have gone on to write two more books "Kiss off: Poems to set you free" and "You drive me crazy: Love poems for real life." I have not read them but I am sure they are great.

Now let's see what books are in your life:

Dixie Chick

A Novelist


You have been tagged!