Monday, June 25, 2007

3 months old

and so pretty! Princess Sofia is going to be 3 months old on Friday. She is still as fabulous and cute as ever. See for yourselves.

She is so funny - she has the greatest personality. And she LOVES boys. She openly flirts with any man near her and thus has her father, grandfather and uncle's wrapped around her finger. I can only imagine what will happen when she is a teenager. I hope she calls me to come over so I can see my brother's reaction when she brings home her first boyfriend. Tee hee!

My summer semester 1 is coming to a close. I have one last class Friday and then I am done. Then I am off to San Fran for the African Well Fund Board of Directors Retreat/Meeting. Should be fun.

And I know at this point you have lost all hope of ever seeing pics from San Diego but I really do hope to have them up tonight...famous last words.


Lemons (Gina) said...

Have a fabulous time in San Fran! I'm bummed I'm going to miss you when I'm in Philly this weekend but I will see you in two weeks!! And Sofia is so cute!!

Chickytava said...

I heart Sofia! Now give us an update on your travels!

Julie Cook said...

what a complete cutie!!

Chickytava said...

Hey, P! I tagged you on my blog... you're it.