Sunday, March 02, 2008

Jedi Mind Tricks

Princess Sofia gets cuter by the minute - as you can see from these pictures. We are excited for her first easter and we cannot wait to see what the Easter Bunny brings.

I mean really - those cheeks, those eyes, that smile - cuteness!!!!
Me loves!

Grad school is on spring break this week so I have a few nights to catch up on reading and projects and tutoring - I am more behind than I have ever been - and of course it is totally my fault for being ADD. and lazy. and in love with my television.

Speaking of love...we just got Verizon FIOS installed and it is truly one of the awesomest things ever. The fact that I can record something on the DVR downstairs and watch it on the DVR upstairs is awesome. I can finally watch Lost on an HD tv...enough said. Now that Project Runway is almost over I am going to have to find another show to watch devotedly...and not Make me a Supermodel which is the worst show ever and yet I continue to watch. I think it's a Jedi mind trick - Casey Skinner is just so beautiful that I am helpless when I come across the show and have to watch. Aaahhh tv.

Ok, I am off to a playdate with my nieces and nephews.


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