Friday, August 31, 2007

A is for Apple

I have a new job!!!

Starting Tuesday I will be a teachers aide in a three year old classroom at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Wayne, PA. It pays peanuts BUT it will allow me to get the experience I so desperately need if I am going to be a successful teacher!

I also get to lead the"Mommy and Me" classes once a week which involves reading books and doing arts and crafts. Are you jealous? I will make a Popsicle stick figure for you to alleviate your jealously. I will even put some glitter on it - PURPLE glitter - because you are special.

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend!!! Dan and I have a wedding to attend for which I bought the MOST BEAUTIFUL olive green dress. I lucked out and found perfectly matching patent leather olive green shoes ON CLEARANCE no less. Needless to say I am psyched to wear my new pocketbook friendly outfit!

Be safe and I will check back in on Tuesday!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Sweet cheeks

Some pictures of Princess Sofia in an adorable terry cloth jumper.

With nonno

So many chins, so little time

It is impossible to explain how much I love this child.

A report on my trip to Raleigh to follow.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


For those of you that don't read Perez really should because he is hysterical!
Separated at birth...hahahahahah too funny!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

School's Out

well, at least for the next 3 weeks!!!

I will be spending the next couple of weeks doing wedding stuff, visiting my fabulous friend Jennifer Laine Williams who is on location in Raleigh, NC doing a play called Five Women Wearing the Same Dress. I have never been to Raleigh and am looking forward to heading south for a few days.

I should have some updated Sofia pictures as well. She is getting sooooooo big and is so funny. Me loves her so much!

OK, I am off to do some vacuuming with me awesome Dyson Animal. I suggest EVERYONE go out and get this vacuum ASAP for it is amazing and worth every penny - thank goodness for wedding registries!